Monday, August 23, 2010

Saturday Varsity Scrimmages

As mentioned at the parents meeting the varsity has scrimmages at Aptos this coming Saturday. Game times are 9:20, 11:20 and 12:40. Departure will be at 7:30 from CHS. We will need transportation support for 4-5 players so please let me know at if you are able to drive and have your car and personal certification submitted. I will have some scoring forms at the games for refresher training even though official stats cannot be kept.
The following Saturday, Sep 4, is the annual Hollister Tournament. First game is at 8:30 so we will probably need to leave about 7:00 or earlier. There is no CUSD transportation available for this so we will need transportation assistance for 17 boys.
The JV's first competition is Saturday Sep 11 at the Hollister JV tournament. More details to follow.
Thanks for your support.

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