Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Polo paperwork

As you know, sports at CHS involves a lot of paperwork. Hopefully most of you were able to take advantage of the subsidized physicals offered at CHS a couple of weeks ago. If not be sure to get one this summer. The athletic packet (paperwork required for participating in a sport) are in a holder in the hall of the office building. Try to get one before school is out so you have all summer to get the forms filled out and can turn it in when hell week starts or as soon as you can get the required signatures from the office.
A waiver form needs to be filled out for any summer sports related activities. Coach Gaily is working on setting up some swimming options. If you have time to print out, sign and get back to school before the summer break please put the form in the boys water polo mail slot in the main office. If more convenient, scan and email to me at rlangland@comcast.net. This form needs to be filled out BEFORE participating in any summer activities as Athletic Director Golden says. The form is also available online under "Summer Sports Activities". The form apples to any activities between June 13th and August 13th.
Most of you are probably aware that the polo league was reorganized this spring and three Santa Cruz teams are now in our league. We will be playing each twice so that is twice as many games as last year. I have also been given a heads up and will be getting all the details to pass on that CUSD will only be providing transportation to league events. That means no buses for JV/Frosh tournaments. That means that we are going to need many parents to drive. Than means that you will need to have your car certified (most easily at Lemos 76) before you can drive. The required forms are available again on the office and probably on the CHS website. Doing that this summer may beat the crowd.

Welcome to the 2011 season,

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