Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Season Truly Begins...Important Items

Hell Weeks are officially over.  2 weeks of conditioning is a shock to even the most experienced athletes let alone those who are brand new to this sport.  We were very impressed with the turnout.  40-45 every day is not bad for pre-season "optional" workouts.  We were impressed mainly with the attitudes we saw and the amount of effort that was put forth.  We saw smiles even through the pain!  It was great.  The balls go in the pool on Monday.  We are all excited about that.

Couple of important notes:

1)  You must have your physical and all required athletic participation paperwork completed and turned into the office by Monday.  Do not wait until the last minute!  They should give you your "Emergency Card" to give to us once everything is turned in, signed off, etc.  We have this paperwork for a number of you, but there are still some that haven't turned them in.  Remember...It must be turned in, signed, and returned to you in order for you to practice.  If you haven't made sure of this.  I would take the time to inquire about this early Monday morning, NOT MONDAY AFTERNOON when school gets out.  You've had MONTHS to get this done with 2 physicals offered by the school on campus.  No excuses.

2)  Practice schedule for this week:
      See separate post with calendar on it.  I would recommend that you subscribe to the calendar through google or an RSS reader you may use so that you are aware of changes.  If that's too complicated for you, just know to go to the blog address and click on "Season Schedule" on the left hand side for current scheduling.  We will do our best to be as accurate and current as possible.

3)  Put on your calendar Aug. 23rd is our Introductory Parents Banquet.  We strongly encourage at least one family member to attend.  There will be a lot of info presented about the season and it is also a great chance to meet your child's coaches and hear our goals and intentions with our program.  Please attend.  Information on what to bring for food will be posted shortly.

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