So much thanks are in order for all who pitched in and helped this weekend at the Padre Invitational. It was a great weekend of water polo!! The snack bar was epic and the scorekeeper's table was "on point". Huge thank you to Program Chair, Kira Whitaker. She is carrying a huge load on her shoulders and we couldn't be doing this without her. Big shout out to all the JV and Frosh parents that pitched in too! I was stoked to see freshmen parents helping man the snack bar and run the clock. Hey Varsity parents...We need you for this weekend. No Varsity games or tournaments to get in the way of helping out at the JV tourney this weekend. There is a list of parents I would like to thank, but know I will be missing some. Please forgive me as I am going off of memory and who I saw, but Auger's on the snack bar and pulled pork at lunch! Miglaw's on the snack bar. Anthony Curtice's grandma, JP Ditto's mom, Connor Reding's mom Dana, Stevie Cardinale's mom, all at the snack bar. Big thanks to Chris Johnson helping run scoreboard along with high schoolers Matt "Chewy" Luch, Leo Gonzales, Nate Miglaw. Can't forget Nicole Saulnier and the many hours she spent at the desk, Kim White too. Ken Doo was there with giant camera as always! We even had Coach Rodger on the desk Friday night!! It was like old times :)
Love the community that really builds during our tournaments. We still would like to spread this work out over more families. Let's break the 80/20 rule. Let's make it the 80/50 rule. 80% of the work is shouldered by at least 50% of the group, not 20%. We're getting there, but we can get better. We can always get better :)
Friday Night:
Game 1: Carmel 8, Leland 9
Game 2: Carmel 10, Serra 11
Game 1: Carmel 9, Los Altos 4
Game 2: Carmel 6, Valley Christian 9
Great games against very good competition. We are very pleased with the improvement and high level of competition we experienced and witnessed this weekend. Proud of our boys!
Coach Gaily
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