Monday, July 3, 2017

Summer Practices start July 11th.

Happy 4th-

Water Polo practices start July 11th. They will run from 3:30-5. Please try and make as many of these practices as possible. They are Non-Mandatory but a great way to start getting back in shape. The release form needed to participate is on the Team App or you can go to the Carmel High School website. I have a a link on the Team App and the forms must be given to me.

The date of the first summer practice did change from July 5 to July 11th. These changes are all being communicated through the new Team App. Please download TeamApp and search Carmel High School Water Polo.

I will not use the blog anymore once the season starts to communicate. Please have a great 4th of July and I look forward to our first summer practice on July 11th.

Coach Graham.

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