Thursday, May 29, 2008

Car wash and community help

Carwash participants,
Remember to get to Carmel Rancho as soon after your physical as you can and if you are not getting a physical please come at 10:00 to get set up and start washing the first cars.
At the last moment we have another fundraiser that will pay us $300 for about half an hours work. At 2:00 when we close down the carwash we need to get over to Carmel Beach. There is a spreading of ashes funeral from one of the Monterey Bay large Hawaiian kayaks at about 1:30 and they need some strong boys (12 or more) to carry it up from the beach to Scenic Avenue and put it on a trailer. Let's help these folks out and earn some money for aquatics at the same time. If there is another adult who could help me with evolution please let me know since Coach Gaily and Sigourney have other commitments.

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