Sunday, July 13, 2008

Great turnout for "Open Pool"

(Please see corrected dates below) We had a great turnout for our "Open Pool". We simply did a little warmup and then scrimmaged for an hour and half. It was a lot of fun! About 15 showed up with a few old alumni as well. To those who didn't make it, put it on your calendars for July 26th and August 2nd. It was well apparent that many of you have not heeded the call and been playing during the summer. There were a few that showed "significant" improvement. Each one of those boys have put the time in this summer. You've got 3 weeks left. Let's Go!!!
(On the original post I had put the wrong dates down, these are the correct ones.)
Next "Open Pool"
July 26 and Aug. 2 - @10am-12pm (9:45 setup)- CHS pool

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