Monday, October 27, 2014

JV/ frosh tournament / Saturday parking restrictions

Unfortunately like last weekend Friday and Saturday has rain/showers in the forecast. Be sure to bring your parkas. The two small team popup tents can be set up outside the face by the surge tank. Freshman will be released at noon on Friday to finish setting up the pool and warming up and JV at 1:15 (don't leave class at 12:00 with freshman). Please go directly to the pool after release to avoid interrupting classes that are in session. Be sure to let your afternoon teachers know and get any assignments you might miss.

2014 Carmel Padre Fr/Soph/JV Invitational
October 31,November 1, 2014
Hwy. 1 & Ocean Ave., Carmel CA 93921

Friday:              Game 1            1:00 p.m.          CHS Fr. vs  Stevenson
Game 2            1:50p.m.           CHS JV vs York
Game 3            2:40p.m            Hollister vs Pioneer
Game 4            3:30p.m.           Salinas vs Valley Christian
                        Game 5            4:20p.m.           Leland vs York
Game 6            5:10p.m.          CHS Fr. vs Hollister
Game 7            6:00p.m.           Stevenson vs Pioneer
Game 8            6:50p.m.           CHS JV vs Valley Christian
Game 9           7:40p.m.           Hollister vs Leland

Saturday:          Game 10          8:00a.m.          Stevenson vs Salinas
Game 11          8:50a.m.          CHS JV vs Leland
Game 12          9:40a.m.          York  vs  Valley Christian
Game 13          10:30a.m.        CHS Fr. vs Pioneer

Game 14          11:20p.m.       CHS JV vs  Salinas


He wanted me to pass along the following re: Saturday morning:

All gates to the facility will be locked Friday evening by custodial staff 

The upper gate near the theater will be opened at approximately 12pm for workers of the tournament to drive around back and break down snack bar/etc

All parents/participants/workers are to park in the main CHS lot

Any cars parked on the south side parking of the pool will be asked to moved starting at 9am

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