Sunday, January 4, 2015

Azevedo clinic update

UST IN . . . .  Ricardo Azevedo, Chinese National Coach, will be on deck too! 

Special news, just in!!!  Tony's father, Ricardo Azevedo, Rico, who has been the coach of the United States Men's National Team, the United States Junior National team and, prior to assuming the head role as the Chinese National Team Coach, he led RN ElettroGreen Camogli in Italy.  Ricardo will be bringing some of his Chinese National team players to assist the clinic!!
What an opportunity!

Also assisting, Olympic coach and medalist, Dragan Jovanovich, a successful name in the sport for almost four decades. Dragan has been in high performance sports for over 30 years as an athlete, club coach, national team coach, high performance director and CEO.

Legacy Water Polo
January 1, 2015    


In 10 days 4 time Olympian, Tony Azevedo will hold a two day clinic in Monterey!!
Sign-up now for this special event on Jan 10 & 11.

This Olympian will blow your mind, best in the world, but no visible ego.  He interacts with all participants in and out of the water and will have a lunch time talk with the kids that will change their lives, guaranteed.  He talks about, not just water polo but, life goals, nutritional eating, and study habits as well.  I can't say enough good about this clinic.  People come from all over North America for his clinics!
(My daughter is currently a Div 1 College Water Polo player solely because of Tony's inspiration!)


Sign-up at the link at the top of the page
 Print a flyer HERE!
All players must have on file a One-time Athlete Registration and a current USAWP membership.  
 Be sure to have a parent or legal guardian complete the One-time Athlete Registration. 

Legacy Water Polo Thanks You!
Thank you for your continued participation and positive feed back on how to make our program better.  You can always contact us at Legacy Polo or phone: 831-917-2875.

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