Sunday, February 1, 2015

Very cool story...Must read...Cheering on Jack "Jack" Maughan!

It is always amazing to me the different talents so many of our boys possess.  Many of our boys play other sports and are quite good.  Many surf.  A bunch play musical instruments and we've had a significant number of Eagle Scouts.

This story about one of our varsity players, Jack "Jack" Maughan is especially unique.  Jack is competing in the Ocean Health XPrize competition for a prize of 750k against professional engineers, college students and innovators in the field.  Read here:

Jack is affectionately called "Jack Jack" so that we don't confuse him with Jack Ellison who is also on the team.  Coach Carl tells the story that one day in practice the boys were confused which Jack he was referring too when speaking to the team and Carl replied, "I'm not not talking to Jack (as he pointed to Jack Ellison) I'm talking to Jack Jack"  The nickname stuck.  Jack Jack is one of those young men that is beastly in his appearance, meaning he's big.  He plays a lot of two meter defense against the opposing team hole set.  Most impressive is Jack's intelligence and demeanor.  He is a true pleasure to coach.

Jack came to us this year and explained to us coaches that he was very committed to this project.  We were so impressed and of course let him miss a few practices to complete his project for the competition.  We're all pulling for him to win.

Let's all cheer on Jack Jack!!

Coach Gaily

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