Thursday, July 30, 2015

Roster and College Polo Exhibition Game

Another reminder that Hell Week starts next Tuesday at 3:30 at the CHS pool. Be there early enough to get your waiver form submitted to Coach Langland and get suited up (either running or swimming) before 3:30. Equipment list was included in an earlier post.

As mentioned before, we are using an online process to enter roster information again this year. The URL is

Please make one entry for each player in case you have more than one polo player in your family. We use the roster for contact info (email and phone) and it is imperative that we have both (email/blog for routine communications and phone for emergency or time critical contact if needed)
PLEASE GET YOUR INFO ENTERED AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE so the coaches know who the players are (especially freshman) and we can get targeted team email lists set up.


  Legacy Wave Logo     

#1 ranked UCLA Bruin's club team plays University of Pacific men's team in exhibition game in Monterey!


    Join Legacy Water Polo on Saturday, August 8th @ 6:00pm at Santa Catalina School in Monterey.

Legacy Water Polo is honored to host this visit by two top ranked NCAA teams and grateful for use of Santa Catalina's exceptional aquatic facility.

Gate Fee: $8/person                           Order on-line tickets here!

Donations towards this event are welcome. Legacy is hoping that UOP and UCLA's visit will help to raise funds to pay for the expense of the pools that we use year-round in the program.  Any donations towards the cost of the Legacy program are most appreciated. 

As a 501(c)3 your contributions are tax deductable.  
Legacy  Calendar
Visit for the our session practice calendar  
   Go Legacy!
Legacy Water Polo Thanks You!
Thank you for your continued participation and positive feed back on how to make our program better.  You can always contact us at or

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