As reflected on the blog, there is a parents orientation meeting next Thursday evening 20 August at 6:30 in the Multipurpose Room. We hope that at least one parent representative from each family can attend so we can introduce you to the coaches and details of the boy's water polo program. This meeting is for the parents, not the boys. We need much parental support to make the season happen. That includes but is not limited to:
1. Getting your cars and yourself certified to help transport boys to tournaments
2. Helping with clothing purchase and distribution for the boys
3. Helping keep the score book and stats at games (both at home and away)
4. Helping organize the snack bar at our three tournaments that we sponsor as fundraisers.
5. Distributing and collecting the team parkas.
6. For a few who can detach themselves from their boys in the game and who can commit the time, learning how to run the shot clock and scoreboard.
7. Team moms or dads who can help coordinate one of the teams: varsity, JV and freshman
8. Help setting up online signups for manning the scoring table and snack bar shifts and snacks for the boys at games and tournaments.
Kira Whitaker has volunteered to be the lead parent coordinator. Thank you Kira. I am sure she has other tasks that need doing that she will speak about Thursday evening.
As I posted in the first post of the year, if you don't realize it, you only have your boys at home for a maximum of four years unless they attend college locally. Having two boys who went through this and the swimming programs at CHS (and in college), our fondest memories of them growing up was participating with them in their sporting endeavors as much as we could and meeting some other great kids and parents who were also involved. Don't let the opportunity pass you by.
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