Sunday, July 28, 2013

Other Important Items

Other important notes:

***Please remember.  Your child cannot participate in any preseason activities unless you have signed their waiver.  By Aug. 16 you must have full physical and paperwork completed to participate.  Here is the link to the waiver.

on Aug. 16th. must have this completed

1) I have had a number of emails about the Fall Break.  We typically give the teams 1/2 of the week off, but it can vary.  Please remember that not all schools have this break.  The season does not go on hold for the league simply because Carmel High has a fall break.  This season we have a game scheduled on the Thursday of the break week.  I am going to try and re-schedule it, but it has become very difficult to re-schedule league games due to pool time, referee availability, and opposing teams schedule.  We now play each team in the leage 2x so that leaves very little space to move games around that would accommodate all teams.  I will update calendar if we are able to re-schedule that game.

2) Testing Dates
Yes, these are extremely important to those kids applying for 4 year colleges.  But, please take into account the dates of the exams and please try your very best to schedule them on dates that do not conflict with tournaments.  Please talk to me or your respective coach before you schedule them.  If we can coordinate to minimize the amount of kids missing on the same tournament it would be hugely helpful.  We were hurt badly by this last season as we were missing many key players for two separate tournaments.  We lost games (that we likely would not have) that directly and negatively impacted our post season seeding and placing.  Again, these tests are necessary and important.  I am not contesting that.  I am simply requesting that you communicate with your coaches beforehand so that we can also plan ahead.  Thank you.

3) Attendance:  We will be covering this in detail at the Pre-Season Parents meeting, but I will touch on it briefly as I know many of you are setting your schedules up for the fall.
Practices (excluding Preason practices), games and tournaments are not to be missed.  Players are excused from these due to serious school crisis/commitments (not due to simply procrastinating), sickness, or significant family engagement.  Your child will gain a much richer experience if they are truly committed to their team and this program.  I promise.

4) Parents on pool deck:  At this time we are not sticklers about parents being on the pool deck when picking up or dropping off your kids, but please consider the situation and try to avoid if at all possible.  If you care to observe, please watch from outside the fence.  

5) Physicals:  Students must have all Athletic dept. paperwork completed after they've had their "physical" to be able to participate on first official date of practice (Aug. 16).  Please have done and paperwork to Coach Rodger well before that.  Do not wait until the last minute.  I believe the high school is providing Physicals on Aug. 17, but that means you would miss the first day of practice on Aug. 16.  Get it done.  Paperwork is at Athletic Director's office or online at

Please direct administrative questions to Coach Rodger at

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