Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Board Shorts & Thanks for Snack Support...

We just heard from On The Beach that our Board Shorts are scheduled to be in Friday. (Keep your fingers crossed.) They are $37.50 a piece. We will have a club meeting Thursday at the beginning of practice (if that works with coach) to see if the club wants to use the individual's ASB credit of $35 per student towards the shorts. I'll keep everyone posted.

PLEASE - if you have not paid for your spirit pack (suits, bags, t-shirts, etc.) - JUST DO IT. Over 15 boys have not paid. Checks payable to Carmel High ASB and taken to Diana Vita. Check in with Mrs. Vita or me if you're unsure if you have paid or of the amount.

Also - we have a few extra sweatshirts(3 large) and t-shirts (2 XL) available - 1st come, 1st serve....Contact Cara Cohen if you're interested - 238-6727.

THANK YOU TO ALL...who have done such a great job supplying the boys with snacks and beverages. As clarification - there is no split between JV snacks and Varsity snacks - it depends upon who is playing in the games on the date....If you signed up for a day like today - where we have 3 games with all three teams playing - the families that signed up are responsible for covering all 40+ boys.

Be well and see you at the pool...
Kim Stemler (Kai's Mom)

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