So much momentum is building in the younger ranks with both the A and B teams. Here is a synopsis from Coach Ed on how the weekend transpired.
Coach Gaily
A great weekend of six JV game at Bellarmine. The "Grey" team begancompetition with a very tough opponent, St. Francis. They lost thatgame 15-2 due to size, speed, and aggressive counter attacks. Greyneeds to improve on defensive transitions, balance, ball handling &"hot potato passing", driving "ballside", and preserving space at 2m.This would have been a tough game for the Red team as well. Grey had aclose contest with Santa Cruz in the second game and were playingbetter defense. We lost that contest 7-6 after loosing Daniel Price toa shoulder injury. Justin Qualls & Lucas Ziliox scored twice, andDaniel Price & Sam Stoffers once apiece. The last game for Grey was awelcomed win over Salinas with a 10-6 score. Grey team scoring waspaced by Zack Olpin 5 goals, 3 assists and Sam Stoffers with 5 assists,Lucas with 4 goals & 2 assists, Justin 3 goals, 3 steals & 2 assists.Freshman, Ben Price had twenty-one saves and five steals in the goal! The "Red" team opened the tournament with a 9-3 win over Lynbrook.That game was paced by standout Jay Lewis, who scored four goals. Sean& Ryan Pickert, Joe.Hamway, Romi Krystal, and Ryan Marden all scoredonce. Very nice to balance the scoring . Brady Hopkins anchored the2m defense and kept the opposition shots coming from outside. MikeAirola also did well and had three steals in that contest. Ben Pricegot an opportunity to block four shots and steal one in that game. Thesecond game was a close and highly contested match with the BellarmineF squad. Red prevailed 6-4 The Pickert twins provided the bulk ofscoring with Sean's three goals and Ryan's two. Some beautiful lefthanded shots where seen from the much improved twins. Jay Lewis scoredonce, but took several low angle shots outside the posts, which wereunsuccessful against the "Bells" goalie. Again, Brady Hopkins anchoredthe 2m defense and did a great job. We would not have won this gamew/o his efforts which do not show up on the scoresheets. KellyGoldberg had a critical assist and steal in that game. The finalcontest was with an aggressive and physical Cupertino team. Redprevailed again with a 8-6 win despite being down two players in thefourth period on a questionable call on Joe H. fouling the 2m playerwith reasonable restraint. One of the Cupertino players was "rolled" from the game for overt aggression with one of the Pickert boys. Somebumps and bruises along the way in that contest but our squadmaintained composure and preserved the win. Jay lead the scoring with3 goals, Sean 2, Ryan P., Romi, and Brady one each. Brady is reallygetting a handle on 2m defense and had four steals in that contest.Joe H. had six saves in the game and Ryan P. had a critical block whilewe were down with two players ejected! The Red squad won all threegames against solid opposition!!! I think our competition will becomestiffer for the second Bellarmine Tournament. Gear up boys! Stats. are as follows: Jay Lewis 8 goals, 2 assists, 1 steal, 1 KO;Sean P. 6 goals, 1 KO; Ryan P. 3 goals, 1 steal, 1 KO; Romi K. 3 goals,1 steal, 1 KO, Brady H. 1 goal, 3 KO's (comes with the territory), andRyan M. 1 goal, 1 steal. Red needs to work on improving passing lane baiting, weak side help,switching on defense, lunge blocks/mirroring, sprint and corner throwdefensive techniques, and verbal communication (esp.goalie directions) on the defensive side. Offensive work needed at 2msealing space and repositioning, ball side driving on 2m foul, wingreleases, pool balance on drives, keeping the ball on turnovers ratherthan automatically returning it to the goalie. Over all a great weekend of games and experience for all the players!Every week we see improvements and learning taking place. Coach Ed
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